About Us

Posted on: Thu, 10/08/2020 - 16:23 By: The_Doctor

The 'Brain Trust' at The Malt Whisperer is composed of the following fine (and also dandy), hard working, caring, pillars of society; who when not anonymously performing daring deeds of heroism find the time to churn out this blather.

Oh, if you want to contribute in any way, let us know!  We're always interested in ideas for articles (whether they're fully written or just suggestions), experiments to try out, recipe ideas, write us at: webmaster@maltwhisperer.com

Contemplation of Wheat Beer

Dr. Rhomboid Goatcabin, The Malt Whisperer himself (aka Steve) is a homebrewer for going on well over thirty years. He started as a freshman in college when he was too young to buy beer, but not too young to buy the ingredients to make beer. He made some truly hideous batches of foul, barely drinkable swill at first; but being 18, and the batches being *barely* drinkable, they still got drank (and the drinkers got drunk). They were bad enough to make Brew 102 seem like a luxury (if you remember Brew 102 -- you're old and from LA).

Well, thankfully, homebrewing ingredients, equipment, methods, etc. have improved dramatically over time.  Now, anyone can make amazing beer of virtually any style they like.  It takes a little know-how and practice, but that's why we're here -- we got you covered with the know-how.  You put in the practice. The beauty of it is, with each practice session -- you get a batch of beer.  How great is that!  OK, There's a website to explore -- hop to it! (see what I did there ? 'Hop' get it? Never mind...).

The Good Doctor's ElvesTHe Goblin

The Goblin (aka Robin) is our master of grammaring and spellage and picshure tayking (the Doctor did this part without her help). Because she is much younger than the Doctor, she is genetically more adept at all the social media presence of The Malt Whisperer. Oh, yes, we all see it, we all see it, she has blue hair.


Booling Brew


Booling (aka Juliet) is our young, cocky, upstart Malt Whisperer -- The Malt Shouter.  She's raw, but with great potential -- the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree.  Plus, she's also a much better spellist than the Doctor.  And has great taste in music (you should see her when Bohemian Rhapsody starts playing -- worth the price of admission).